AAron Bryan

AAron Bryan

Sr. Vice President

Phone: 417-686-1032

Email: abryan@palenmusic.com

AAron Bryan taught band for 13 years, the last 8 at Broken Arrow High School, home of the nationally acclaimed Pride of Broken Arrow Marching Band - the 2006, 2011, 2015 & 2021 Bands of America Grand National Champions. Bands under Mr. Bryan’s direction were awarded the Oklahoma Band Sweepstakes 8 times, and his Wind Ensemble performed as one of three Oklahoma bands selected to OMEA’s Friday evening Honor Concert in 2009. AAron was a lead soprano soloist for the 1995 Madison Scouts Drum & Bugle Corps and later served on the brass staff. Mr. Bryan went on to be the Brass Caption Head for the Colts Drum & Bugle Corps through 2005. AAron holds Master of Arts degrees from Truman State University in Conducting and Trumpet Performance, and a Bachelors Degree in Education from Missouri State University. He is in demand as a clinician, conductor, and drill writer across the Midwest. Mr. Bryan’s professional affiliations include Phi Beta Mu, Phi Mu Alpha, Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, Oklahoma Music Educators Association, Oklahoma Bandmasters Association, Northeast Oklahoma Band Directors Association, MENC, and was certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards in 2010. AAron and his wife Christa have two boys, Aiden and Tyson. 

While away from work, AAron enjoys competing in the national ASA Pro/Am Archery Tour.

AAron was named MVP of Palen Music Center in 2012.